
Extra Mural Policy

1. PREAMBLE The purpose of this policy is to establish a disciplined and purposeful environment within the Extramural Department at St Declan’s School for Boys, aimed at meeting and exceeding the expectation of all relevant stake holders within the school community. St Declan’s School for Boys Sport Philosophy “Each individual that is involved with our Sport program has the opportunity to develop their talent, self-image and confidence to a level that will be pleasing to God and every-one they associate with on and off the field. Keep the Blue Flag Flying High” 2. STRUCTURE OF DEPARTMENTS • Head of Sport (HOS) and Head of Culture (HOC) is appointed to oversee the Administration and Management of the Sport/Culture Program at St Declan’s School for Boys. These people are accountable to the Headmaster/ Headmistress and Director. • Coaches and Assistant Coaches comprise of Educators, staff members as well as outsourced coaches appointed by the school for their experience and/or specific skill. Each team or event will have a coach to coach/manage the team/event. The Heads will be in constant communication with the coach and the boys regarding the specific sport’s program. 3. PARTICIPATION Heads of Sport/Culture, with the help of Register Teachers and coaches, will keep register of activities that boys are taking part in. It is compulsory for boys to be involved in the sport and/or cultural programs of the school per term (for the entire year). Printed documents are uncontrolled. Refer to server for latest approved version PO 25 Rev 01 Approved: 04/10/2021 Page 2 of 5 4. TRAINING DAYS Each Sport/Cultural activity has its own training day, with primary sports being on alternate days and match days (in most cases) on a free day or Saturday. Training Frequency: Please refer to updated timetables for various sporting and extra mural activities for detailed times and days. 5. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE If a learner is not at school the day of a fixture, he may not participate in the fixture unless a valid reason has been given to the coach/ staff member. 6. SPORTS/CULTURAL ACTIVITIES DURING EXAMS AND CLASS TESTS The extra-mural program will be suspended during examinations unless previous fixtures have already been arranged. 7. SPORT SEASONS We understand the importance of pre-season training, HOWEVER the precedence of our in-season program should not be compromised, and it is the responsibility of the Heads of Sport and coaches, to make sure that the in-season program and schedule takes preference over any pre- season training that may occur. 8. SELECTION • Boys will be selected for teams based on merit. • Selection needs to be fair, consistent, objective, and impartial. • Coaches should communicate to players if they are going to leave a player out of a team. This must be done with honesty and empathy. Printed documents are uncontrolled. Refer to server for latest approved version PO 25 Rev 01 Approved: 04/10/2021 Page 3 of 5 9. AGE GROUPS Any boy who turns a certain age between 1 January and 31 December (both dates included) in the year under consideration is Under that age group (e.g. U/8 means the learner turns 8 in that year). Any boy who turns 18 or 19 between 1 January and 31 December (both dates included) in the year under consideration is considered “Open”. Boys who are u/13 in High School should play in the u/14 age group. Boys must play in their age group, irrespective of their grade in school. 10. SELECTING “OUT- OF- AGE- GROUP” IN TEAM SPORTS LIKE CRICKET, SOCCER, TOUCH RUGBY AND TENNIS FOR THE FIRST TEAM (HIGH SCHOOL): • Junior High School Boys (Grade 8 and 9) may be considered for selection for the 1st team of the school. • Careful consideration must also be given to the Senior High School Boy (Grade 10 – 12) whose place the Junior High School Boy may be competing for. If the players are of equal ability, preference should be given to the Senior High School Boy. 11. SPORTS UNIFORM AND KIT Refer to “PO 29 Learner Dress Code” for clarity on sports uniform. Learners are required to wear full school uniform for all cultural events. 12. TRAVEL TO FIXTURES Boys traveling to a fixture will, at all times, travel in the same clothing. Either full school uniform, or full school tracksuit and kit underneath. This is dependent on the nature of the sport and is the coach’s decision. If a boy, for some or other reason makes use of private transport, that boy should arrive at the venue in full school uniform, or full school tracksuit and kit underneath (dependent on the coach’s instruction). Printed documents are uncontrolled. Refer to server for latest approved version PO 25 Rev 01 Approved: 04/10/2021 Page 4 of 5 13. COACHES Coaches should appreciate and respect that they are first and foremost role models for the boys. Strict adherence to the following is non- negotiable: Appearance • Coaches must be dressed in blue and white official St Declan’s coaching attire. New coaches should acquire the necessary garments as soon as possible from the school administration. • For fixtures, coaches must wear the St Declan’s staff golf shirt and chino (or appropriate)/smart jeans shorts or longs. This can be ordered at Reception. • Coaches’ appearance must always be neat, presentable, and appropriate - befitting a staff member. Behaviour, Conduct and Responsibilities • Coaches must always speak and conduct themselves in a professional, respectful and helpful manner to any school management, fellow staff member, learner, parent, family, member of visiting school, official, or referee. • Coaches’ conduct next to the field towards the referee/umpire, their own players, and opposition team members should always be of the highest standard. • Respect practice schedules. • Attend all team practices and fixtures. • In a case of injury: the boy stays your responsibility until you can hand him overto his parents and/or trained medical staff. 14. Medical Care and Emergency/Injury Management Coaches must know where the school first aid kits are situated throughout the school premises. When going on school outings, coaches are responsible for taking first aid kits along on the trip. Serious cases are treated in consultation with appointed Paramedics during matches. Printed documents are uncontrolled. Refer to server for latest approved version PO 25 Rev 01 Approved: 04/10/2021 Page 5 of 5 In the case of a serious injury, the coach should first notify Head of Sport or Headmaster/ Headmistress and then the boy’s parents/guardians as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of the coach to see that the boy gets referred to the proper medical treatment if his parents are not available. Head of Sport/Culture, teacher with first aid training or the Headmaster/ Headmistress will manage and assess any/all serious injury. If the boy is being sent to hospital, and parents are not available then it is the responsibility of the coach to either take him by car (if the coach has a PDP or direct written consent from the boys’ parents) or accompany him if going by ambulance, to hospital. 15. DISCIPLINE – (APPLIES TO LEARNERS AND COACHES) Refer to the school code of conducts and discipline policy.