
General School Policy

St Declan’s School for Boys is a Christian Independent private school. The medium of instruction is English. The schedule of school fees is published on the current application forms available from the school office. Code of conduct is available at the school office and the conflict resolution policy on the server. We aim to follow government school terms; however, we may vary from these. A calendar is sent out an annual basis. We are registered with Gauteng Education Department and shall remain compliant with Umalusi requirements. This General Policy will govern all policies and procedures which are reviewed on a yearly basis or as and when necessary. SCHOOL HOURS & ATTENDANCE Monday to Friday Grade RRR-R: 07h45 – 13h00 Grade 1-2: 07h45 – 13h30 Grade 3: 07h45 – 13h45 Grade 4-7: 07h45 – 14h05 Grade 8-12: 07h45 – 14h45 Boys are to be dropped off between 06h45 and 07h30 in the mornings. Please do not drop your child off earlier than this for security reasons. Foundation Phase boys will be walked to their pick-up zone by their class teachers in the afternoons. Printed documents are uncontrolled. Refer to server for latest approved version PO 03 Rev 05 Approved: 12/11/2021 Page 2 of 5 All learners are expected to be punctual. A doctor’s note is required if a learner misses a scheduled test or portfolio task. If a doctor’s note cannot be furnished for a scheduled tests or formal assessments a learner may be given a mark of zero. Consistent late coming will result in demerits being issued. ROAD ACCESS AND DROP-OFF All road users are expected to drive within the speed limit as there are children and animals all over the farm. Speeding, dangerous driving and loud music is not permitted, and vehicles may be denied entry. Staff and parents will be given an access sticker to be displayed in the car window for security purposes. Cars without stickers will be stopped by security. LEAVING THE SCHOOL PROPERTY DURING SCHOOL HOURS Medical and dental appointments (indeed, all appointments) should be made after school hours. Where an appointment can only be made during school hours, parents are to notify the school office or register teacher. No boys are to be kept out of school without legitimate reasons. For security reasons, anybody – including parents – who enter the school property during school hours need to report directly to the office. NO LEARNER MAY LEAVE THE PREMISES DURING SCHOOL HOURS WITHOUT BEING SIGNED OUT BY THE FRONT OFFICE AND HIS PARENT/GUARDIAN. A learner will only be released to an authorised person under specific arrangements made between the parent and the office. Please note that an “Early Departure from School Premises” form must be filled in at school prior to the pupil’s departure. LATE ARRIVALS Boys who arrive later than the start of line-up (07h45) must report directly to the office. Consistent late coming, will result in demerits being issued. Printed documents are uncontrolled. Refer to server for latest approved version PO 03 Rev 05 Approved: 12/11/2021 Page 3 of 5 ADMISSION Admission of the learner is subject to compliance with all admission requirements of the school, and any form of false declaration will render the application for admission void. Application for enrolment does not guarantee entrance into the school. The signed application form is a binding contract between the school and parent, indicating acceptance of all school policies and procedures. COMMUNICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Parents may contact the school through phone or email. Contact with teachers may be done via email and ClassDojo (age dependent). At least one parent per family is required to download and make use of the D6 Connect App. It is each parent’s responsibility to make sure that the office has his/ her correct email address and contact details and update these on D6 Connect, should anything change. Staff are required to respond to email and ClassDojo within 24 hours. Staff may make use of the school telephone when contacting parents. Staff members will not be expected to respond to emails and ClassDojos during class time or outside of required school hours. Please make an appointment if the matter cannot be settled via email or ClassDojo. Parent meetings are held twice a year and parents are encouraged to attend. If there is an urgent matter, please contact the front office during school hours. STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS A stationery requirement list is sent out in Term 4 of each year. This is also available by request from our admin office during the remainder of the year. Please send us an email and we will ensure you receive one. LOST PROPERTY Parent should ensure that ALL articles are clearly marked with your son’s name, including his shoes. A lost property box is provided in the uniform store and lost items can be claimed from there. Printed documents are uncontrolled. Refer to server for latest approved version PO 03 Rev 05 Approved: 12/11/2021 Page 4 of 5 VISITORS No visitors will be permitted to visit learners under any circumstances during school hours. All visitors are to report directly to the office, and a message will be passed on to the learner if necessary. The right of admission to both Rietvlei, and St Declan’s, is strictly reserved. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical Education is compulsory for ALL boys, unless prevented by a confirmed medical condition. In such cases, confirmation in the way of a doctor’s certificate is to be provided to the teacher. We value physical instruction as part of our holistic approach to education, and we insist that parents encourage their sons to participate. TUCKSHOP FACILITIES A tuckshop facility is available on the premises. VALUABLES The school will not be held responsible for any valuables lost, damaged or stolen on our property or during school excursions. Parents are advised to discourage boys from bringing valuable items or toys to school. All personal belongings (including clothing and stationery) are to be individually and clearly marked. CURRICULUM St Declan’s follows the GDE curriculum and subscribe to IEB Examinations for the FET Phase. HOMEWORK Homework will be issued appropriately. Printed documents are uncontrolled. Refer to server for latest approved version PO 03 Rev 05 Approved: 12/11/2021 Page 5 of 5 CHANGE OF ADDRESS Parents should inform the school in writing immediately of any change of address, telephone numbers, email addresses or medical aid details. SCHOOL CONTACT DETAILS Rietvlei Lifestyle Centre 101 Swartkoppies Road Alberton Gauteng 1448 GPS: 2618’44.64” S 2804’47.61”E Office: 011 026 8822 / 079 524 5207 Email: Website: Account Queries: Director: Find us on FACEBOOK