
Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is designed to ensure the happiness and safety of each learner. This Code of Conduct is in effect for all learners at all times, on all platforms and in all situations, from registration to deregistration.

Religious Affiliation

St Declan’s is a Christian school, with teachers and staff who strive to maintain a Christian environment. The school is open to non-Christian students, provided that both student and parents agree to embrace and participate in the Christian activities of the school which includes Religious Instructions, assembly, religious worship and PE. Learners are allowed to wear a chain, provided it has a cross on and is not visible (learners may not wear any other religious apparel).

School Uniform

Click here to for Dress Code Policy


Boys are to look neat and presentable at all times. School uniform is to be worn at all times and must remain clean and neat. Full summer/winter uniform must be worn correctly and neatly should the boys be in uniform outside of school property.


▪ Good behaviour is to be promoted at all times by teachers, parents and learners, e.g. politeness, manners, addressing each other courteously and having respect for all. Standing aside for adults and saying “please” and “thank you”.

▪ Learners are to greet all adults, parents and visitors who come to the school.

▪ Learners are to offer assistance to visitors where necessary. ▪ Untoward attitude to visitors or teachers will not be tolerated.Discipline

▪ A positive approach to discipline is promoted.

▪ A system of merits and demerits is in place. Demerits result in punishment, whilst merits result in reward. The 2 systems do not cancel each other out but work together. Refer to “PO 24 Discipline Policy” document for more details.

▪ Corporal punishment will not be administered in any form.

▪ Disrespect, insolence and deliberate disregard of rules will be dealt with immediately. ▪ Respect for all adults, staff and parents is required.

▪ Learners should be encouraged to obey instructions promptly and to receive correction in the right spirit.

▪ Learners should not interrupt staff when they are talking to teachers/parents.

▪ Learners who have transgressed the Code of Conduct or School Rules will be dealt with promptly and objectively. Punishment will fit the offence so as to effect change in attitude or behaviour. Learners who have been disciplined should not feel rejected. They need to be assured that each day is a fresh start.

▪ Parents may be requested to participate in an interview. Where necessary, counselling may be advised.

▪ Extreme transgression may result in a formal disciplinary enquiry, at which the Director/ Headmaster/ Headmistress of the school will decide an appropriate outcome.

Disciplinary Code

Repeated breaking of rules and disregarding the needs of others, may result in the offending party being asked to attend a disciplinary discussion. In the event of the continuation of unacceptable behaviour, the learner may be asked to leave the school. Parents may be asked to fetch boys for certain transgressions such as swearing, rude or violent behaviour. Should there be due cause, parents may be asked to take their son for evaluation, and consequent professional assistance. Should this request fail to be adhered to, the learner will be asked to leave the school. Disciplinary hearings are chaired by the Director of the school. General Conduct

▪ Learners are expected to have respect for others’ opinions and property.

▪ Learners are expected to dismiss in an orderly fashion at breaks and at the end of the day.

▪ Learners are not permitted to buy, sell or distribute anything on the school property. Queries must be addressed to the office.

▪ Learners are cautioned not to loiter near the school gates or teachers’ cars and are to be “street wise” regarding strangers. ▪ No physical, emotional or verbal bullying will be tolerated.

▪ Parents are requested to uphold punctuality, because children learn by example.

▪ Learners are to take pride in their school and be aware of litter and not to vandalise school property.

▪ Learners may not be left to wait on the school property after school, unless they are participating in an extra-mural activity. Any learner found still waiting 30 minutes after their last class or activity, will be escorted to After Care at the parent’s expense.

Late Arrivals

It is imperative that boys arrive at school on time. Learners who arrive late find it difficult to settle and focus on the tasks set out for the day. Boys who arrive later than the start of school (07h45) must report directly to the office. Consistent late coming will result in demerits being issued.

Extra-Mural Activities

The school offers a wide range of extra-mural activities. Learners are expected to take part in at least one activity per term (compulsory). A learner who has signed up for anactivity is obliged to attend the practices as detailed, or to provide the coach/teacher with a valid excuse in good time. Once committed, he is obliged to see the season through.

• All dates, times and kit details will be advised at the beginning of each term. Each boy or parent is required to select an extra-mural activity that they will be involved in at the beginning of the term.

• All extra-murals depend on the availability of coaches and sufficient interest from the children.

• Certain optional activities are offered by external providers and will carry an extra cost. If this is the case, please make payments directly to the appropriate coach and NOT into the school’s account.

• PE kit is to be worn to all extra-murals, unless a specific kit is required.

• If you are supporting a match, full school uniform is to be worn to represent the school and all school rules apply.

Physical Education

Physical Education is compulsory for ALL boys, unless prevented by a confirmed medical condition. In such cases, confirmation in the way of a doctor’s certificate is to be provided to the teacher. We value physical instruction as part of our holistic approach to education, and we insist that parents encourage their sons to participate.

Cell phone Policy

NO CELL PHONES are to be in the possession of our boys during school hours, without exception. Please refer to the “PO 08 Technology and Social Media Policy.